Our Philosophy
There is rarely just one way to do something. At Queen of Stitching, we are all about fun, efficiency and creating beautiful quilts quickly and without frustration.
Our developers have years and years of sewing, quilting, embroidery and computer experience. We create methods that we believe will have the best “Predictable” results for the largest part of our quilting community.
You may have quilting methods that you believe in and don’t want to change – and it’s OK with us if you use your trusted methods while you are constructing Queen of Stitching quilt blocks. You may even discover methods that you think are better than ones we are using. If you do – our hope is that you will share your new ideas with us. We love change when it makes our tasks easier!
As one of the first companies to create digital quilt blocks, Queen of Stitching has been a forerunner in expanding quilt process in a Quilt As You Go environment. Introduction of processes for Joining Quilt Blocks in the Hoop With Perfect Registration, Joining Quilt Blocks With Continuous Batting and Backing Strips, De-constructed Quilt Blocks Short Cut Quilt Blocks have forever changed Quilting.
When I was seven, I decided I needed to learn to sew. I still remember the first two things I learned about sewing. The first was “ALWAYS keep your fingers away from the needle”, a wise idea that has kept me safe for decades. The second was, “our sewing machine could sew over pins”.
Sewing over pins was quite a concept for a seven year old. I thought our machine must be magical if it could spot a pin and then take action to avoid that pin. I remember wondering if other families had sewing machines that were as cool as ours.
Sadly, it turned out that our sewing machine really wasn’t magical at all. Within the first 20 minutes of my life long love of sewing I had in fact, hit a pin with the sewing machine needle. The pin ended up bending and gouging the bobbin case in a way that totaled my mother’s sewing machine. Turns out, I learned, that you’re supposed to place your pins across the seam rather than along the seam. The best part of the story is that instead of getting into the terrible trouble I expected, we went out and got a brand new Singer Touch and Sew, with a front loading, push button bobbin AND, I was allowed to use it.
Sewing, technology, my family, and living in the great Pacific North West are my greatest passions. Combining my favorites with Queen of Stitching has been tremendously exciting and I look forward to bringing many more ideas and innovations to our quilting community.
Linda Miksch,
Primary Developer, Queen of Stitching
What Customer Say About Us
J. Quinn, Cincinnati, OhioQuilter“Thank you so much Queen of Stitching – YOU HAVE MADE QUILTING FUN FOR ME! I really love quilts and have been quilting for years. Before finding your “In the hoop” quilt blocks, it seamed like the harder I tried to make my piecing match up and my blocks finish the same size, the worse my results were. I am getting ready to start my third quilt using your blocks and I am so looking forward to the journey. With Queen of Stitching blocks my beautifully finished quilts match the designs that are in my head – and you are right – NO FRUSTRATIONS, my blocks are all the same size and go together like a dream!”